Kirsty : well you've met the lion and the fish (and if you haven't worked out yet what this stands for then let me give you a little clue IT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH OUR BIRTHDAYS) we thought it was about time we introduced the wardrobe. What will get pulled out of this wardrobe is unknown to us as yet but don't let that stop you from coming back often because i'm sure there will be something and you may even find it interesting and heaven help us funny!
Kirsty : My favourite comic book
and cartoon the x-men. Those super hero mutants that live and die
for a dream that mutants and humans can live happily ever after
The bad guys are also very cool but i have to say that my absolute favourite mutant has got to be Gambit.
I have now heard that a film of the x-men will be made however right now we are not sure if gambit will be in it. Although i have now found out that Liz Hurley is set to play Psyclocke. Imagine that one.
Kal : For all of you who don't know this is kirst's latest pet project the quest for the guy to play gambit. I have to confess that i haven't a clue what this is about so i'll have to check our page to see what kirst has uncovered along with everyone else.
Kirsty : I have recently heard something very shocking firstly that gambit might not be in the forthcoming movie, it seems the writers have decided to ignore the fact that he is the second most popular x-man, and i've also heard a lot of people want Adrian Paul to play gambit, get real the guy is far too old and would never make a convincing gambit!
Kal : oh my! now that would be a fate worst than death.